Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Blog Alert for - News, Mar 18, 2014

New Posts to - News on Mar 18, 2014:

1) Google brings Chromecast to UK TVs today

Google's competitor to the Apple TV and
AirPlay, Chromecast, will launch in the UK today.

The device, which costs £30, plugs directly into a television's
HDMI port and allows supported apps
on Android and iOS devices to stream content to
a TV wirelessly. At launch these include obvious choices such as
YouTube, but also BBC iPlayer and Netflix.
By: Nate Lanxon, Continue reading...

2) Android smartwatch OS announced with Moto 360

Motorola has announced it will be entering the smartwatch market
with the Moto 360, a traditionally styled timepiece that's been
given the Google treatment. It first hinted at the unveiling during
Mobile World Congress last month in Barcelona, but today we have
been given our first glimpse of the watch.

At the same time, Google has shown off Android Wear, its Android
operating sytem for wearables, which will run on the Moto 360, as
well as devices from other manufacturers. It's not surprising the
two have been announced in tandem, given that Google still
currently owns Motorola.
By: Katie Collins, Continue reading...

3) Snowden: Big revelations to come, reporting them is not a crime

Edward Snowden made a surprise appearance on the TED stage in
Vancouver today, by Beam telepresence robot from "somewhere in

Snowden, in his second remote talk in eight days after an
appearance at SXSW Interactive in Texas, urged online businesses to
encrypt their websites immediately. "The biggest thing that an
internet company in America can do today, right now, without
consulting lawyers, to protect users of the internet around the
world is to enable web encryption on every page you visit," he
said. "If you look at a copy of 1984 on Amazon, the NSA can see a
record of that, the Russians, the French, can -- the world's
library is unencrypted. This is something we need to change not
just for Amazon -- all companies need to move to an encrypted
browsing habit by default."

By: David Rowan, Continue reading...

4) EU votes to protect net neutrality, end roaming charges

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have voted for
stricter rules against internet providers blocking or slowing
internet services provided by competitors and called for an end to
roaming charges.

The Parliamentary Committee on Industry, Research and
Energy passed the package of reforms put together by Digital
Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes with 30 votes to 12 (with 14

By: Olivia Solon, Continue reading...

5) These clever hospital door handles will clean your grubby paws

Despite every hospital now having numerous hand
sanitation "stations" dotted throughout their wards, getting people
to actually use them is still proving a challenge. The PullClean
door handle from Altitude Medical could change this by
incorporating hand sanitisers in hospital doors to both remind and
encourage staff, patients and visitors to clean their hands.

By embedding hand sanitisers into hospital door
handles -- an unavoidable object that almost every visitor must use
--  it is hoped that hand sanitation will feel as effortless
and as habitual as opening a door. This simplification is intended
to radically increase rates of hand sanitising, which in turn could
possibly drastically reduced hospital based diseases and

By: Nicholas Tufnell, Continue reading...

6) Wearables won't just record our lives, they'll change them

Lifeloggers are not there to capture the mundane and
uninteresting. They are there to capture the subtle moments that
mean something to us -- and we are only just beginning to touch
upon the benefits of having these at our disposal for analysis.

Niclas Johansson, marketing manager at Narrative, and
Autographer CEO Simon Randall made these comments on stage at
London's Wearable Technology Show, alongside Lyte MD Chris Chance
and GoPro's Paul Hancon.

"One user came up to me and said they'd bought our
device and had been using it for a few weeks," said Randall. "He'd
been wearing it at the office everyday, and what he had captured by
the end of the week was really boring. So he decided to rearrange
his whole office -- he owned the company -- with more communal and
open spaces. Then his images were much more interesting."
By: Liat Clark, Continue reading...

7) Hide from your friends with Cloak app

Are you incredibly popular but sick of bumping into
your "friends" all the time? Then you should check out Cloak,
a newly released app and one of the first self-proclaimed
"anti-social networks", which is hoping to provide you with an
"incognito mode for real life".

Cloak harvests Instagram and Foursquare updates from
your friends before using that data to inform you of their
whereabouts, allowing you to keep track of their movements and
avoid them entirely. 

By: Nicholas Tufnell, Continue reading...

8) The Wind Rises review: a Miyazaki masterpiece

The name Hayao Miyazaki is to many synonymous with that of the
Japanese animation house he co-founded in the 1980s, Studio Ghibli.
At 73 years old, his latest work -- The Wind
Rises (Kaze Tachinu in Japan) -- is also to
be his last.

Ahead of its May release via Studio Canal in the UK, I was a
little nervous entering the screening room to see the picture. I'm
a long-time Ghibli admirer and fan, but I'm in the camp that
favours its marriage of fantasy and mysticism (My Neighbor
Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle) over its explorations of real
life (Grave of the Fireflies). I had heard The
Wind Rises sat somewhere in the middle. I didn't know
what to expect.
By: Nate Lanxon, Continue reading...

9) Football tech should not be relegated to the goal-line

Football is a multibillion pound sport that relies on
its players for success -- why then isn't it protecting those same
players with life-saving wearables?

This was the question former professional footballer
Kevin Campbell put to the audience at London's Wearable Technology
Show, where he seemed personally incredulous at the lack of action
being taken by the likes of the FA.

"Being in a top level sport you tend to think
everything is measured -- with every run in training they are
trying to get every last ounce out of the athlete," said Campbell.
"Then you get to situations where Fabrice
Muamba collapses on the pitch with a heart problem and
everyone is up in arms. With all this technology constantly
measuring everything, how can that happen to an elite
By: Liat Clark, Continue reading...

10) Ski apps don't cause accidents, people do

For skiers and boarders, technology has long been making the
mountain safer, more accessible, more thrilling. Whether it's the
reassuring presence of Recco avalanche sensors in our gear, snow
cannons, telecabines replacing rusty buttons or helicopters
dropping us in places lifts don't go, the skiing experience has
definitely benefited from advances in tech.

Recently though, a spate of media reports have picked
up on the growing popularity of ski-tracking apps, and have
questioned whether they are to blame for an increase in
speed-related accidents on the slopes. The apps measure a skier or
boarder's journey throughout the day, and among the various
statistics it throws up is their top speed. Reports suggest that
while attempting to score a personal best, or beat the top speeds
of friends, skiers have been pushing themselves to the point of
losing control, and on some occasions have [...]

11) Wearables are ugly and inessential, let's fix them

Entrepreneurs need to stop building wearables in plastic and get
authentication right if they are going to thrive. These were
two of the main points touched upon by a panel of four
entrepreneurs in the industry onstage at the London Wearable Technology

"Many of the products in this space are not even wearable," said
Sonny Vu of Misfit Wearables, the creator of activity monitor
Shine. "It's a bit of a misnomer. One of the first tasks is making
them wearable and that means elegant and not forcing people to take
them off to charge."
By: Liat Clark, Continue reading...

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