Thursday, 12 September 2013

You can now embed Facebook posts on your hosted blog

Good news bloggers, you can now embed Facebook posts directly on your hosted blog.

To do so, you’ll need to grab the Facebook post’s unique URL which can be gleaned by clicking the date stamp under each post.
WPFB You can now embed Facebook posts on your hosted blog

Then all you need to do is copy and paste that URL into the editing pane in your blog, and voila. Any media that’s embedded in the Facebook post will follow too, so a video or photo for example will embed alongside any text.

This brings into line with its non-hosted .org counterpart, which has been able to receive embeddable Facebook posts since the social network opened the feature up to one and all just a few weeks back.

Embed Facebook Posts on Your Site | WordPress Blog

asdf 520x407 You can now embed Facebook posts on your hosted blog

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